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createchangenow On June - 16 - 2015



As energetic beings we have the option of selecting the “field of frequency” or playground we wish to play in each day! With awareness we can consciously select the most optimal playing field for us in each given moment. Why is this important? It enhances the quality of our experiences and expands the possibilities available to us!

It’s a brand new week and yet another opportunity to expand into new playing “fields of frequency” that will allow us to further experience ourselves as the EVOLUTIONARY pioneers we are intended to BE! The way I see it is that in each moment, we have the option to INTEND for every breath, every step, every interaction, and every choice we make to EXPAND us into the fullest expression and embodiment of who we are as eternal, infinitely creative souls! We have full and complete availability, permission and access to alternate, more expansive dimensions of energy, information and LIGHT that we can tap into and receive more of the fullness of who we are. This is a gift. Free will is a gift.

We can instantly begin to shift from stress to harmony when we give our present attention, focus and awareness to EXPANDING the vibrancy and size of our energy field and its light with the power of our breath. We can release any stale, stagnant energy, improve the overall circulation and FLOW of energy with our breath, with consistent movement, AND with a willingness to realize that our breath determines and quality and quantity of the pure life force energy available to us!

Shallow breathing equates to less energy and a go-go-go mentality and therefore the quality of our health and lives is diminished. We also have the option to select conscious, full, deep cleansing breathing patterns that literally expand our energy fields and expand the quality of all that we see, do, hear, feel and experience! Shallow or full? Which do YOU choose? Which playing fields of frequency and experience are you giving yourself an opportunity to play in?

May your week be beautiful, expansive and filled with vibrancy in every way!

Much love,

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