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createchangenow On July - 18 - 2012


In my work as a Soul Success Coach, I am noticing more and more individuals coming to me who are absolutely ready to make a shift in their life; a shift that reflects the power, presence and abilities of their soul. It’s beautiful to notice so many souls awakening and remembering who they are. They are remembering that they are here for a reason and they’re ready to step into that divinely designed mission that they came into this lifetime with.

If you’ve been feeling a nudge to make some internal and external changes in your own life, know that you are not alone. The time for growth, awakening and expansion is NOW. The new energies flooding our planet hold the key to unlocking codes of authentic power within each of us. This is the time for remembrance and the time to embrace your innate gifts, abilities and skills that you are intended to refine and share with the world.

We all have gifts to share, every single one of us. Often times, we become so distracted with societal expectations or external distractions that we simply forget that we even have those gifts to share! One way to re-member your innate gifts is to take at least 3 minutes a day and get quiet. Use the power of your presence and awareness to silence the voice of the ego and the chaotic mind to actually hear the voice of your soul attempting to communicate with you.

When you hear, feel, sense, see or imagine a new idea or new inspiration, trust and honor it. Trust that this message is coming from your core. Then, act upon it and begin to make time each day to tap into that newly awakened passion that is stemming from your eternal, divine spirit. The more you commit to acknowledging, applying, refining and trusting your gifts, the more you will be given and shown.

Ready for the magic to start happening? Well, commit to finding your bliss again or maybe even finding it for the first time. There is no right or wrong or good or bad way of doing this. Just begin to trust yourself and honor the beautiful, talented, capable being that you are. Once you do this, you will pave the way for authentic power, divine brilliance and pure success beyond measure. Remember, this is who you are and you deserve to step into your power. The time has come. The time for awakening is NOW.

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