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createchangenow On July - 4 - 2013

ridethwave You can shift from ordinary living to extraordinary living by claiming your power to generate positive momentum in your daily life. You are always generating momentum! The problem is that often times you are unconsciously generating negative momentum. How? By focusing on what’s not working or by living on auto-pilot! Begin your week proactively! Create positive momentum with your thoughts, visualizations, emotions and intentions. In this way, you set the stage for a success-full week instead of being at the effect of the world around you! When you begin each day focused on gratitude, appreciation, love, joy, inspiration, radiant health and connection with others, you get the momentum started!

You consciously choose your home frequency and energetic set point. This self-chosen set point is that others will respond to as you go out into the world each day. I encourage you to take charge of your life instead of letting it happen to you. This is your birthright!

What, new, expansive CHOICE could you make this week that would allow for a completely new OUTCOME or experience? What empowered stance could you take today that would allow for a phenomenal new result? What INSPIRED decision could you make RIGHT NOW that would bring a greater sense of LOVE, CONNECTION and PEACE into your life in this moment?

Just some things for you to ponder, consider and hopefully act on! You deserve to elevate your entire experience of life right now. No need to wait… NOW IS THE TIME TO EXPAND!

Limitless love and blessings from my heart to yours,


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