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createchangenow On March - 5 - 2015

Emotions are the Energetic Fuel that Create our Moment to Moment Reality

We are so very powerful. But, the reality is that many of us dismiss our innate creative abilities and rarely, if ever, stop to realize the impact that our emotions have on our external reality. The theme behind all that I communicate in my bestselling books, my coaching programs, speaking events, workshops, and radio show is personal empowerment. It is so rewarding to witness a client, an audience member, a friend or even a colleague have a true “a-ha” moment in which the light of awareness empowers them to experience life in a new, more expansive way. It’s as though a new room in the mansion of one’s consciousness becomes lit and the key to that room is provided for unlimited access into a higher reality of existence.

One thing that I often notice is that we could all experience much greater levels of fulfillment if we acknowledged one simple thing. That simple thing involves harnessing the power of our emotions. When we actively and consciously embrace the creative power that we have in each moment to shift the way that we are presently experiencing life, we hold the key to experiencing true soul-driven liberation. This is the kind of freedom that is felt from the inside-out. One way to begin this empowering process is with an awareness of our current emotional state. Our inner world creates the outer world. Our emotions make up the inner landscape of our consciousness and that “level of being” sets in motion the people, events and situations that will create the external landscape to align with and perfectly mirror the interior one. Paying attention to the interior landsc ape we are creating must be made a priority if we wish to impact our exterior reality.

Our emotions can be seen as signs or very clear indicators of what’s to come. Our focus, our attention and the feelings attached to them combine to make up the manifesting fuel that determines our tomorrows. If we are predominantly feeling a sense of doubt, worry or fear, we will create experiences that align with or match those energetic vibrations. All emotions have an energetic value attached to them. Lower vibrational emotions such as fear, greed, anger, resentment etc are dense and heavy. Higher vibrational emotions such as love, joy, gratitude and peace are lighter. Therefore, if our predominant emotions are of positivity and compassion, we will manifest experiences that reflect the beauty of those energetic vibrations. This is what we want to aim for, right?

Emotions are powerful tools for manifesting. The key is becoming aware of the ways that we can use them to create whatever future we wish to experience. Without awareness, we may be unconsciously using our emotions to manifest misery, suffering and unnecessary discord in our daily experience. In an attempt to make this very simple for you, I’ll say it in this way. If the emotions you are experiencing are causing you to feel drained, upset, or ill at ease, then it’s time to create a conscious shift. That emotional shift will allow for you to generate a new flow of energy that will create expansive, fulfilling experiences ahead. You can be certain that if you remain in a state of bitterness, anger or frustration you will undoubtedly create more of the same.

What’s so beautiful about life is when someone develops the awareness that they hold the “moment to moment power” to shift from a “bad mood” or a lower level energetic state to something that feels more aligned with spirit- something that simply feels “lighter!” This is our option in any given moment. We determine how long we remain in a emotional slump. We also determine how quickly we shift out of it and into something that feels better. Even if you can’t shift from anger to bliss in an instant, you can at least make a conscious effort to feel something a little better than anger. Perhaps you begin with seeing the situation from the “bigger picture.” This allows us to see the hidden opportunity or lesson buried underneath all the anger or discordant energy.

Whether we want to accept this or not, the reality is that no one forces us to remain cemented in an heavy emotional state. We are always (whether we embrace it or not) in absolute, pure control over our emotions. Once we reclaim that control and choose to participate fully in the creation of our lives with clarity, focus, conscious awareness and empowered action, we will activate new levels of authentic power within us.

The ability that we have to tap into our own reservoir of personal strength, clarity and re-membrance of who we are as eternal spiritual beings is limitless. It’s beyond measure! This innate personal power enables us to step out of the emotional quick-sand that limits our experience and into the purity and clarity of infinite possibility.

The pathways to success are truly limitless. Once we choose to shift from impulsive reacting and into conscious responding, we will have regained deliberate, authentic power over our emotions. This soulfully inspired shift allows us to create our experience of life instead of living on auto-pilot and letting life happen “to us.”

It is my greatest wish that you become a willing, active participant in the creation of your life’s journey. Fuel your experiences with the emotional power of love, harmony and pure potentiality. This is a gift you can give yourself beginning right now. If I can support you on your journey, let me know. I can be reached at…. or


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