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createchangenow On September - 16 - 2013

Developing a New Partnership with Wealth and Worthiness!

Worthiness inspires wealth consciousness and this must exist WITHIN us before we can ever begin to manifest external success. The ability we have to attract ideal clients, monetary opportunities, and live an abundant, wealthy lifestyle (inside and out) stems from a consistently held expansive mind set that is self generated and self perpetuated. That mind set expects and believes that we are worthy and deserving of being rich. It is our birthright to be spiritual AND wealthy! This can be quite a roadblock for people that prevents them (oftentimes subconsciously) from experiencing the success they desire.

Those limiting beliefs are most often developed at a very early age. The reason they are serving as roadblocks to success is because those deeply ingrained beliefs are rooted in scarcity thinking. Becoming aware of those limiting mind-sets is the first step to transforming them into empowering ones that allow you to experience the immense wealth you desire. It’s time to CLAIM THE SUCCESS you so richly deserve.

Money is either drawn to us or repelled from us depending on our thoughts, beliefs and expectations. It’s an inner game that generates greater rewards when awareness comes into play. If you think you have to work hard for your money, you will manifest that belief into your reality. It’s that simple. You will make certain that generating money is a challenge for you, because that is what you expect! If you say “It is not possible for me to be rich”, you won’t be! The good news is that you can shift those limiting beliefs and replace them with empowering beliefs that will support your dreams.

Your “consciousness” about worthiness and money can directly sabotage your potential for creating and attracting wealth if they aren’t in alignment with your desires and goals. They can also miraculously enhance your potential for creating and attracting wealth when the inner is aligned with the outer. This is precisely what you want to aim for.

If you want your financial situation to be different, you have to choose to do things differently. You have to be willing to believe that you deserve it! You have to be willing to look at any thoughts, attitudes, feelings, and behavior that keep you trapped in your current limited lifestyle. In other words, you must to be willing to make a change. Change can be scary, but it’s the key to success and soul-full liberation — not to mention financial freedom! Inspired change empowers you from the inside-out.

You can create a whole new vision for your life and you can begin right now. There is no benefit to waiting until tomorrow to begin developing inner worth and a wealthy mind-set. Change can happen right now. Make a commitment to examine your current belief systems. Are they limiting your ability to magnetize wealth? If so, begin visualizing the best scenario possible for yourself. Don’t hold back. Dream and visualize your biggest dream. See you circumstances, your lifestyle, and your business as clearly as possible. See yourself and your business flourishing. How does it make you feel?

Today can be the first day of the rest of your abundant, prosperous life! It’s all up to you. Take that first step. Then, focus on your new vision on a daily basis. Create a new, liberating habit that will allow for phenomenal new levels of growth and success in your life. It all begins in your mind. Oh, and remember, you deserve wealth.

You deserve success. All you have to do now is claim it!  

Make it a beautiful week for yourself!

I hope this article shines the light of truth onto your own path of expansion and growth. If I may be of support to you, please don’t hesitate to contact me at
With love and gratitude always,

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