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createchangenow On March - 5 - 2015


It’s a brand new day and month! This is a great opportunity to become aware of anything that is preventing you from experiencing the fullness of life. Look into the mirror of your life and experiences. What do you see reflected there? Do you see Balance? Peace? Harmony? Self love? Acceptance of others? Passion for life? If not, you must extend your vision, expand your awareness to focus on the limitless possibilities for growth. These opportunities appear when you follow your inner compass. Divine guidance is always available.

Your vision must simply be clear enough to notice doors opening, and your heart must be peaceful enough to hear the subtle guidance leading you to those doors. Far too often the haze of chaotic living obscures opportunities so you see only closed doors and locked windows. Consciously transcend the confines of ego-centered living, make decisions from your heart, and magnificent doors of opportunity will open with ease

Look at yourself carefully with your spiritual eyes, not your ego’s eyes. Embrace your light, let it shine into the world. Your soul wants to shine! Listen to your heart, follow your inner compass to walk through divinely designed gateways leading to a powerful, self-directed life. Ground yourself in your innate strength and authority. Remember you are an immensely powerful spiritual being meant to fulfill your sacred purpose through the process of growth and awakening.

our inner compass gives directions from your soul, quietly whispering to you every day. Listen to these directions and act on them. You will feel inspired by feelings of serenity, peacefulness, and even relief. To connect with your soul, you need personal clarity, a keen sense of awareness, and a willingness to act on your intuition each day. Consciously create a flow of clear, organized energy (through intention, meditation, creativity, imagination and focus). Otherwise, you will be too distracted to notice the subtle voice of your soul as it attempts to reveal the pathway to your sacred, divine purpose.

To clear the internal noise, become aware of the external distractions in your environment that prevent you from experiencing the serenity required to hear the guidance. This liberates you from the inside-out.

Ask yourself:“If my home and work spaces are outward reflections
of my inner self, what do they say about me?”

What is the correlation between external clutter and internal clarity? Clutter isn’t just about physical excess. Clutter is anything preventing you from experiencing the fullness of life. Clutter is behavioral patterns creating imbalances in your life. Restore balance and you will create vital new energy, passion, and joy in your daily life. Only then will you hear the calls of your inner compass, guiding your journey.

As you clear the space within and around you, you will gently unwind, shedding the layers of your old, tangled self and chaotic former existence. Then you will see the beauty and clarity of your soul. As you shed the layers of limitation, stagnation and tension, your radiant spirit will shine through. It takes courage to embark on this adventure, clearing out the cobwebs of your past to unleash your greatest potential. Celebrate your courage and step into the new you!

To purge your life of unnecessary constraints, you must change habits and remove the people and circumstances that no longer serve your soul’s goals and desires. It’s liberating to clear out the old to make space for the new. Clear the space around you, and create the space within you for new inspiration, guidance and connection. You will feel lighter, freer, and more capable of tuning into your inner compass.


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