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createchangenow On September - 21 - 2015



Hello Soul Family! I sit down to write this at 11:11. How perfect. What a tremendous opportunity we have for energetic expansion with the Autumn Equinox, Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, and the influx of gamma rays from Wave X! What does it all mean? As always, I perceive this as an INTERNAL opportunity for the expansion of our awareness, frequency and consciousness. Any and all shifts occur first within us. We share this beautiful collective space, and yet we are all remembering the truth of our innate, eternal, divine nature in unique ways at unique times. We are living in our own self-selected and self generated realities, and yet our personal expansion impacts the whole.

At this time, we are being offered the grand opportunity for further awakening, upgrading, re-calibration, and re-alignment with the support of this tremendously powerful influx of light right now. There has been great momentum building with the new moon solar eclipse from Sept 12-13th, the upcoming equinox Sept 22-23rd PLUS the upcoming full moon lunar eclipse Sept 27-28th and Wave X.

Have you felt it? Wowza. I know I have! With each blast of light, the physical body is called to release any lower level frequencies (thoughts, emotions, patterns, programs) within. This is our invitation to purge, release and let go of these old limiting programs and their associated density from the body. From a higher, divine perspective, all physical symptoms are a call for release; a call from the soul to highlight remaining heaviness, allow for its release, and pave the energetic pathway for the expansion that is now available.

We are refining and tuning our frequency which requires the clearing out of all toxicity in thought, emotion, belief and behavior (rooted in core fears of safety, security, and control) in order for us to expand into the fullness of the light that we are. Any emotional or physical discomfort is intended to highlight internal resistance and reveal old patterns that no longer serve us. When we intend to see things from the soul perspective, we have the option to have gratitude for these challenges because they are gifting us with the revelation of remaining subconscious programming that is blocking the expansion that is our birthright.

All is but a divinely designed opportunity for a shift in thought, belief, action and perception. It’s important to affirm that we are safe, supported and in the flow of divine timing at all times. We are infinitely supported and can call upon that divine support at any given moment. May you ride these waves of expansion with as much self trust, self love, grace, ease, peace and harmony as possible.

All my love to you ~ Cari

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