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createchangenow On March - 11 - 2013
Another beautiful week is upon us! Spring officially begins in just a little over a week and it’s time for new beginnings and new doors of opportunity to be seen, known and embraced!

When you claim your authentic, innate power to choose what you wish to experience, life begins to unfold beautifully and magically in ways that align with your soul and your deepest desires and intentions. So, beginning right now, what, new, expansive CHOICE could you make that would allow for a completely new OUTCOME or experience? What empowered PERSPECTIVE could you take today that would allow for an exciting new result? What clear and inspired DECISION could you make RIGHT NOW that would GENERATE A FLOW OF ABUNDANCE into your life in this moment? It is your energy; your frequency — that paves the way for this!

You create your world from the inside -out. The inner creates the outer. (THAT’S HOW POWERFUL YOU ARE!) When your thoughts, words, beliefs and patterns align with what you really want to experience, your outer world will match that chosen level of consciousness!


Limitless love and blessings from my heart to yours,




Our lives are truly a work of art. They are unique. They are a manifestation of the gifts that we CHOOSE to embrace and offer the world. When we acknowledge and share our gifts, the true purpose of our life is clearly revealed and confirmed. When we are in tune with our SOUL, and when we let go of the expectations others have of us and DO that which brings US the greatest joy and fulfillment. This isliving from the inside-out instead of living from the outside-in!
To move toward that which brings us joy isn’t selfish! In fact, it is the most generous thing we can do. This allows us to be in the pure, loving space of sharing our true gifts with others. The spirit of others cannot be lifted until or unless we trust our own gifts and offer them to the world. When our energy is rooted and grounded in self-trust, self-honor and self-celebration, we naturally raise the frequency of those around us!

We must not make the mistake of thinking that we have no special gift to offer! Everyone has a gift to offer and share. Our gift is that which brings joy to ourselves and others. It is a pure and creative expression that breaks down walls, removes the symbolic armor of protection that we all wear, and allows others to know who we really are. Our gifts come from the heart. When our gifts are shared authentically, freely and openly, we will come to realize and know the true meaning of prosperity. Only that which we truly love doing will touch others and bring genuine appreciation our way.

Nurturing and developing our gifts is key. We must take risks and open our hearts. Gradually, our confidence will build with ease and our light will grow and expand and awaken those that come our way. Those who refuse to begin even in a small way cannot expand! Our gifts are not meant to be hidden from the world! Joy-full individuals share their gifts with no expectation or attachments. They are content expressing their gifts without conditions. Unhappy individuals hold onto their gifts waiting for the perfect time and perfect venue to express them. Sadly, no one benefits from gifts that are withheld and kept locked away from the outside world.

Part of learning to trust our gifts is letting go of any attachments to how we feel the gift should be received. To give our gifts, we must release them and let go of any expectations regarding who will receive it and who won’t. We can’t hold onto our gifts and share them at the same time! We must give our gifts the wings they deserve! The authentic expression of our gifts builds bridges of true connection with others. As we embrace our gifts and extend them freely, we naturally begin to move through our fears and self limiting behaviors. When others are faced with our absolute, uncompromising commitment to ourselves, they will either join us or move swiftly out of our way! Clarity emerges where ambivalence once resided. Surrendering occurs. Spirit awakens.

Spiritual work requires surrendering. Superficial work of the ego requires the illusion of control. Commitment to the pure and beautiful expression of our gifts paves the way for our dreams to become a reality. If we are really honest with ourselves, we will recognize that no one or nothing outside of us will ever prevent us from actualizing our goals. We are the only one that can sabotage the manifestation of our dreams! This is a harsh truth, yet it must be recognized and realized if we wish to create real change in our lives.

The way to CREATE SUCCESS is to realize that it must be felt within first. When we determine what we want, commit to it, visualize it clearly, EMBODY THE ENERGY OF WHATEVER IT IS, and move towards opportunities that come our way, the outer world becomes a vibrational match to what we’ve created inside! This is done when we surrender our expectations of things happening in a specific manner. It is the energetic strength of our emotions that helps us manifest our desires. When we remain faithful and true to the honest, open expression of the gifts that come from the heart,we experience joy and fulfillment. That is when doors open and powerful, positive change can happen.

May you allow yourself the opportunity to express your gifts today! Remember, it takes 21 days to establish a new habit, so begin tapping into your gifts and abilities, and you will simultaneously attract all the opportunities for wealth, joy, and abundance that you desire. May you open your heart, trust in yourself, and pave the way for continued growth and success! BE that which you wish to experience or attract. That’s the real secret to success.


If I may be of support to you, please don’t hesitate to contact me at

With love and gratitude always,



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