Every single day and moment offers each of us yet another soulFULLy inspired gift and opportunity to *SLOW DOWN, BREATHE* AND:
1. Become aware of the ways we can refine the signal we are emitting out into the world. (We can determine our signal by paying attention to our experiences, for they reflect our predominant energy signature.)
2. Release / let go of any limiting habits, behaviors, people, relationships or beliefs that are only *anchoring us to a suppressed expression of our pure potential*.
3. Honor and celebrate the experiences that enter our field as new opportunities to consciously respond in new, empowered ways instead of impulsively react in old auto-pilot patterns.
4. Open into brand new optimized experiences that reveal our refined sense of empowerment and worthiness!
5. Offer praise and compassion to ourselves for selecting the path of a conscious, empowered, creative being instead of waiting for life to “happen to us” or for “luck” to determine our life story!
There is absolutely ***a choice in each challenge*** to expand BEYOND an old way of reacting to life. There is a choice to fine tune what we allow into our experience and what we deliberately release.
May your day be filled with heightened awareness so you may see, know, feel and claim the moment to moment opportunities to enhance the quality of your journey and allow for the optimal unfolding of your divine destiny!