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createchangenow On September - 22 - 2014

Lifting the Veils and Opening Dimensional Doorways and Portals


As many of you know, I just spent a magical, miraculous and highly tranformative week in the Grand Teton mountains as a presenter at the 28th Annual World Congress on Illumination. Immense gratitude goes out to my beautiful sister of light, Patricia Cota Robles for all her efforts. We gathered together just outside of Jackson Hole, Wyoming in the United States. Whether we remember this or not, we all said “YES!” to being on this planet at this specific time to actively participate in the unfolding of a new era in consciousness.

Lightworkers from 22 countries around our beautiful planet came together to anchor the light of divine love within the gateways of our hearts, and support the upliftment of ourselves and humanity into a new era of consciousness. It was a true re-union of souls; soul families coming together to remind one another of our divine mission and purpose for being alive on this planet at this time. It was beautiful and blissFULL beyond words. The exchange of pure light, love, and remembrance that occurred as we looked into the eyes of our soul brothers and sisters is something I will eternally be grateful for. Together we expanded into the full radiance of our light and gave one another permission to play, dance, love, laugh, and BE open.

My heart continues to overflow with deep appreciation for the experiences we co-created and shared in, and for the portals of light that we opened into. Many other lightworkers (including many of you) joined us in spirit, and for that, I thank YOU. We need not be together in person to experience the amplification of our combined intentions and sharing of love. We come together in spirit throughout our dream state and during our waking state with the simple power of our focus, intention, desire and commitment to serve humanity.

Thank YOU for all that you ARE, all that you DO, all that you SHARE, all that you RADIATE, and all that you INTEND for the upliftment of all souls. Your efforts do not go unnoticed in the higher realms. We are never alone. Our teams of light are rejoicing as they support us every step of the way, and I fully and completely honor you for all that you are in this moment and always, in all ways.

I wish to extend a beautiful, warm, love-filled greeting to all new members of this community, those whom I met at the conference and any other souls who have just joined my cosmic playground here! I appreciate you all so much and offer my infinite love and gratitude to you for your light and your unique presence here.

Welcome. Welcome. Welcome. You are family, and you are fully loved here in this space.

I am here to remind us ALL that this is a time of true remembrance, integration, alignment, empowerment and awakening into the purity and divinity of the universal heartbeat. This is a time for remembering our wholeness so we may experience the energetic upgrades and recalibration required for us to shine our light at full capacity in the ways we intended before we came to this planet. This is the time to integrate our divinity with our humanity and weave the rays of light from our true essence into each cell of our physical vessel.

NOW is the time to let your soul SHINE. It is time to activate and celebrate the beauty of your unique light and radiance. It is time to activate your individual aspect of God consciousness and birth the fullness of your spiritual nature into your physical body. It is time to give yourself complete permission to celebrate your role as a catalyst for change; as a beacon of light, a way shower and a light bearer.

Rest assured that if you are reading this now, you are coded to be a game changer. You are divinely designed to wake up and integrate your divinity with your humanity and shine your light for others so they may also find their way “home.”

Now is the time for bringing “home” HERE. This time of ascension and expansion isn’t about escaping our physicality or leaving this planet. It is about weaving our multi-dimensional aspects of light into our physical vessels so we may BE the torch bearers that radiate the light of divinity into this physical dimension of earth. Now is the time for the full restoration of our divine sovereignty as we detach from all the polarizing energy patterns of right/wrong, good/bad so we can move beyond the separation age and experience and anchor a new level of consciousness. We are here to break free from all that limitations, constraints and barriers that suppress our light. We are here to reunite and integrate the frequencies of our eternal selves with our human selves.

We are here to open to the highest frequencies available to us and consciously anchor and embody these expansive frequencies into all that we say, do, feel and BE. We no longer have to go through stages of darkness to reach and embody the fullness of our LIGHT. We need not discard our physical form to access the cosmic gateway to our star families for upgrades during this human experience. We are the starseeds that are intended to bring forth the light and remembrance encoded within us. We are here to remind all lightworkers of our mission to create heaven on earth. We are here to remind others that with the power of our intention, the clarity of our focus, and the expression of our pure radiance, we no longer need to play in the dark to re-member that WE ARE LIGHT.

We are here to re-member and remind others of our true cosmic, divine nature and FREE the precious inner child by giving him or her full permission to play, laugh, release the patterns of yesterday and claim our birthright to experience liberation from the inside-out.

I encourage you to place your hands over your heart as you begin each day, and visualize every cell in your body lighting up like a million stars. Imagine a mini sun birthing through each cell, allowing your divine essence to saturate each and every aspect of your physical body. Set the intention to activate, anchor, merge with the frequencies of divine light and love that are now available to you. All you have to do is claim it and celebrate your capacity to shine in brand new ways.

We are here to bring light to our souls highest contribution and fine tune our expression. We are here to consciously select the ways in which we express our light into the world through our thoughts, emotions, actions and feelings. We are here to illuminate without any old, false illusions of the third dimension limiting the expression of our light. We are here to embody the frequencies of love, joy, harmony and peace rather than chasing or pursuing them from the outside – in.

We are here to consciously activate the pure and full expression of ourselves as multi-dimensional master illuminators, synchronizers, harmonizers, balancers, stabilizers, creators, transmuters, awakeners and transmitters of light! As divinity being expressed in human form, we have the capacity to be re-born in each new moment! We have the capacity to choose again and decide who we will be each day.

We have the option to expand into an infinite number of rooms available to us within our divine consciousness mansion. It’s gateway is within the heart. As you place your attention there (that is all that is required) you gain access to this portal, and claim your ability to access the multi-dimensional frequencies available to you. It is our birthright to explore ALL ROOMS within the eternal and limitless mansion of our awareness. Remember that fear is the cheapest room in the house! We deserve to demand better living conditions!

Now is the time to move BEYOND old patterns that no longer serve your expansion, and that no longer bring you joy and fulfillment. Your conscious choices determine the quality of your experiences and you are intended to experience this ascension cycle joyfully and harmoniously. Whether or not that occurs is entirely up to you and the choices you make. You can actively participate in the beautiful unfolding your of unique spiritual chronicle and celebrate each unfolding moment as an opportunity to step more fully into the light that you are at your core; at your essence.


Will you commit to expanding into bright and beautiful new rooms within the recesses of your consciousness mansion?

Will you commit to beaming the light of divinity into as many moment as possible today?

Will you trust that you will be guided by synchronicity to share and reveal yourself and your light in new ways each day?

Will you say “YES” to the opportunities that appear before you to expand into the fullness of your creative genius and share that inspiration with the world around you?

Will you honor the precious being that you are, just as you are, in this moment?

Will you re-member that all is well all the time?

Will you re-member that you are loved beyond measure?


Thank you, thank you, thank you for your contribution to the expansion of our planet. You make a profound difference. You are a unique puzzle piece of the whole. Your presence and your light are essential to the overall masterpiece of creation. Never underestimate the power of your light and the efforts made to SHARE AND REVEAL that brilliant light into the world. Claim your unique frequencies of brilliance today AND SHINE.

I love you,

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