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createchangenow On July - 24 - 2013
Another beautiful week is upon us! Instant inspiration tip: Don’t wait for your “luck” to change to celebrate your life! WANT TO KNOW THE REAL SECRET TO SOUL SUCCESS? Celebrate FIRST and THEN your “luck” will change! It’s your vibration that the world responds to! It’s your beliefs, expectations, and energy that determines what goes on outside of you. Realize and embrace your power to design your destiny from the inside-out! Infinite opportunities await the souls who are excited, ready and OPEN to seeing, noticing and claiming them! 
Want another key ingredient to soul-driven success? Answer the following question with regard to the way you approach yourself, others and your life. Criticize or praise, what is your predominant way of approaching people and situations? Your answer will determine what’s coming next! People (including ourselves) rise to meet our expectations of them. Therefore, why not view your life as you wish to see it? Why not imagine yourself and your surroudings as you want it to be? Often times we have such long standing, habitual ways of “seeing” or perceiving ourselves, others or situations that we lock our reality and our relationships in a very small box! Focus your attention on what you want to experience MORE of… As you do this consistently, you will undoubtedly experience new results. Try it! It works magically.

This week begin telling a new story that reflects the success, joy, health, wealth and harmony you desire! Speak about what you want instead of what you don’t want! Refrain from keeping the vibration of what you don’t want active and alive. You keep it active as you continue to tell the same old limiting stories of yesterday. Instead, shift your attention to speaking ONLY about what’s “working” or about what you wish to experience. Magical results will follow. Consistency yields phenomenal rewards.

What, new, expansive CHOICE could you make today that would allow for a completely new OUTCOME or experience? What empowered stance could you take today that would allow for a phenomenal new result? What INSPIRED decision could you make RIGHT NOW that would bring a greater sense of LOVE, CONNECTION and PEACE into your life in this moment? 

Just some things for you to ponder, consider and hopefully act on! You deserve to elevate your entire experience of life right now. No need to wait… NOW IS THE TIME TO EXPAND!

Limitless love and blessings from my heart to yours,


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