Whether things are going well in our lives or if our circumstances challenge us to the core, there is something more powerful than any medicine, more effective than any counseling, and more immediately beneficial to the spirit: GRATITUDE
Even if we aren’t sensing that we have much to be grateful for, we can consciously and actively choose to shift our focus from any sense of lack we may feel or experience, to a liberating, expansive feeling of gratitude for everything that IS beautiful and positive in our lives. Feeling gratitude for something or someone attracts more of that something or someone into our experience. Therefore, to add more of what we desire into our day to day existence, we simply have to focus on genuinely appreciating and valuing that which we want more of. Gratitude is the divine tool we can use to add positive energy to existing energy that is already in our world.
We can liken ourselves to giant magnets continuously attracting more of the same energy that we are emitting out into our environment. Whatever we are feeling, whether it’s love, fear, anger, bliss, gratitude or resistance, we are in essence creating a magnetic force that attracts and draws to us the events, conditions and circumstances which directly correspond to what we’re feeling. Fearing something creates a magnetic force that attracts more of what we fear into our lives. Feeling gratitude projects a magnetic force that draws to us more of what we are expressing gratitude for.
Gratitude puts us in a harmonious vibrational resonance which naturally attracts additional energies that are in alignment with that which we are grateful for. It’s actually a phenomenally beautiful process that never fails. You may be wondering- “How in the world can I be in a state of gratitude when so much seems to be going wrong in my life?” If you dig down a bit deeper and consider this a little further, you’ll very likely emerge with a crystal clear understanding of what is actually happening.
First of all, it’s important to recognize the importance of accepting responsibility for whatever is going on in your life. Yes, I know this isn’t easy! The events, conditions, and circumstances that you’re currently experiencing are manifestations of thoughts and emotions that you’ve chosen (subconsciously or at a soul level) as well as choices you’ve made at some point in the past. Those thoughts, emotions, and choices represent the seeds of creation that eventually manifest into your reality. Remember, you are the one that thinks your thoughts. Your thoughts do not think you! In the same way, your emotions serve as a gauge and are a reflection of the quality of thoughts that you are thinking.
Just to clarify, I know you don’t consciously choose chaos. What happens is that without realizing it, you are placing your attention and focus on what you don’t want. What you consistently place your focus on, whether it’s illness, poverty, fear, or joy, love, and wealth, will absolutely be drawn into your experience. Since your current outcomes are based on what you have thought and felt consistently at some point in the past and those outcomes are now being experienced in your life, guess who created them? YOU did! Although that may not make you feel any better about them just yet, consider this…
Since it is you that is responsible for attracting and creating undesirable outcomes, then isn’t it also possible to change the thoughts and emotions responsible for creating them which will produce a desired result? Absolutely! Simply recognizing the fact that you brought them into your life (not rationally or consciously- but without awareness) provides you with an understanding of your immense creative power. This is exciting to realize. This awareness can be the catalyst that instills a new sense of gratitude for the power of choice that you have to create your life in whatever way you choose.
When we allow ourselves to feel immense joy and gratitude for even the things that we might consider small or insignificant, we allow for even greater things to enter our experience. It boils down to appreciating the blessings that we’re currently experiencing and noticing in our lives, knowing that this paves the way for greater blessings to follow. When we consciously direct our attention and focus to what’s “working” in our experience, we hold ourselves in that beautiful space.
The act of appreciating someone or something can be likened to nurturing a seedling with sunshine! We are giving that “seed of desire” the positive energy it needs to sustain itself and grow! When we choose to believe in someone or something, miracles begin to happen. Offering unconditional love provides the space for anything to thrive and grow.
Embracing an attitude of gratitude begins a beautiful cycle in which we attract even more things to be grateful for. Therefore, even if it seems as though there are areas in our lives in which we struggle or feel challenged, we can choose to focus on the things that are going well. In doing so, we draw more success, joy, and LOVE into our experience. The bottom line is this: The act of feeling grateful keeps us in energetic/vibrational harmony with our desires! It is only natural to feel sad or disappointed at times. The key is not to remain in that emotional space any longer than we have to. When we feel, allow, and accept those emotions- they gain the freedom to pass through us. In that space, we have room to expand and focus on what IS WORKING AND WHAT WE DO WANT.
Any challenging situation can be transmuted with the power of love. Love is simply the opposite of fear, and when we choose to bless even those situations that test us to the core, we transmute them into opportunities for growth and soul evolution.
Ask yourself what you’re grateful for in your life. Feel and extend sincere thanks for those individuals, situations and events. Truly FEEL the joy and allow yourself to linger in that space and soak up the powerful, radiant energies that stem from this state of gratitude and bliss. Now, remember that feeling, and purposely and intentionally return to it throughout your day.
I choose to continue to live by one of my favorite mantras… “Count your blessings and watch them multiply.” May you experience the power of this mantra for yourselves.
Wishing you abundant blessings and plenty to be thankful for, today and always.
With love and gratitude,