Essential Keys for Establishing Inner Worth and Outer Wealth by Cari L. Murphy
Identify the Barriers to Your Success:
What does your inner voice repeatedly tell you about yourself and your potential? What people, places or belief systems shrink your value or prevent you from going after your dreams? Get really clear about the roadblocks that you have either subconsciously created in your daily life or allowed yourself to set up and experience. This awareness will serve as the bouncing off point for you to generate new, empowering habits, patterns and ways of being.
Consistently Review your Accomplishments:
Regularly examine what’s happening in your reality. What’s going well? What’s working? What are your strengths? How have you used them in a way that benefits you and everyone around you? Begin to celebrate the genius that you are! The more you recognize and acknowledge the gifts that you bring to yourself, your loved ones, and the world, the more confidence you will gain and the greater success you will experience.
Highlight your Repeating Patterns:
It may not be the easiest thing in the world to do, but it’s one of the most rewarding! Begin to notice all the way that you sabotage your happiness by repeating certain behavior patterns, certain ways of reacting to people and situations, or by maintaining a dis- empowering vocabulary that keeps you stuck in your tracks! Ask your higher self to reveal these patterns to you in an obvious way, and then pay attention. Once they have been highlighted, you hold the power to create a change. Only you can make the shift.
Release the Heavy Burdens in Your Life:
So often we carry the lingering burdens of other people, unresolved situations, fears, insecurities and doubts within our energy field. This density prevents us from feeling, attracting or experiencing the joy and the healing that is our soul’s birthright. Begin to notice the heaviness within you. Isolate where it’s coming from. Then, make a commitment to releasing it. Bit by bit you can visualize the burdens being flushed out of your body, your mind and your spirit making room for the love you deserve.
Disconnect from Non-Beneficial Information and Beliefs:
In order for you to create the internal and external space for success in your life, you must disconnect from anything that is holding you back from being the bold, courageous, fearless individual you are intended to be! What beliefs from your childhood have you outgrown? What ancestral or societal information or ways of being are holding you back from expressing and honoring your authentic power? You don’t have to hold onto anything that no longer supports you, that no longer honors your freedom, or that prevents you expressing your passion and brilliance. Now is the time to disconnect from anything that no longer serves you to create space for all that does.
Learn and Integrate the Soul Lessons:
After applying these tools and practices, you will gain a brand new awareness about yourself and your life. Once you’ve gained clarity on what is not working in your life, and you’ve released and disconnected from it, ask for the lessons! Go within and ask for the lessons. Do this with a deep sense of compassion, non-judgment and neutrality so that you can identify the lessons you were intended to gain from your challenges. Once you become aware of them, consciously choose to integrate them so that you won’t have to experience them again!
Clarify What you Wish to Experience:
Following the disconnection and release from all that’s holding you back, coupled with the integration of the soul lessons available to you from your experiences, it’s important to determine what you wish to create. From this open and clear space, what is it that you truly want? What would make your heart sing? What would truly fulfill you from the inside-out? Why do you want it? What would it bring you?
Re-Design Your Reality:
Now that you’ve determined what you wish to create, it’s time to begin acting as your very own architect! Be the artist you are intended to be and see your life as a blank canvas. Design what you would like to experience with clarity and deep feeling. Build it within first. Create a brand new consciousness platform from which you can create and magnetize all the options and opportunities that you wish for. Then, press the internal re-load and re-fresh button and launch it into existence! Poof! Your masterpiece is created. Repeat as often as you wish.
Make it a beautiful week for yourself! I hope this article shines the light of truth onto your own path of expansion and growth. If I may be of support to you, please don’t hesitate to contact me at
With love and gratitude always, Cari
Success Story