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createchangenow On July - 5 - 2013

choosepeace Another beautiful week is upon us! When we actively choose to *IGNITE* the light within us and activate the innate and abundant wisdom we hold within the deepest recesses of our consciousness – watch out world – the fireworks are coming! (the beyond dynamic cosmic kind!)

I invite you to claim your power this week by saying “YES!” to a new way of being, responding, and acting in the world– in which you decide to embody the energy of JOY, ENTHUSIASM, HARMONY AND BEAUTY, and you choose to DWELL IN THOSE VIBRATIONS! As you choose this, you contribute to it’s creation! You can decide to leap into a whole new paradigm with this empowering decision. AND, your PRESENCE will serve as a beacon of light elevating the frequency of everything and everyone around you…YOUR CHOICES MATTER. YOUR ENERGY MATTERS.

Why not completely lighten your energy field and LIBERATE yourself from any frustration, pain or suffering – just for one day? Take it one day at a time. How? Choose to feel nothing but love within you and around you. Choose to appreciate something nice about yourself. Appreciate something positive about your loved ones. Notice the interconnectedness of everything. Notice the abundant nature of the universe. SEE, FEEL, HEAR, SENSE AND KNOW the blessings available to you in each moment in nature, in your heart, and in your relationships. Notice the deeper reason beneath your challenges so that you can rise above the intensity and confusion. Acknowledge your ability to rise above chaos and choose healing and peace instead. With every breath you take, you can experience harmony in an entirely new and expansive way. Life is beautiful and your frequency is raised instantly when you shift your lens from one of lack, limitation and resistance to one that is open to pure possibility and infinite potential! Make it a playful, fun, bliss-full week for yourself… Why not? You could live on auto-pilot OR you could proactively choose to lighten up and just completely enjoy the week with pure gratitude for the beauty that is ready and waiting to be acknowledged and experienced! ? That’s what I choose, won’t you?

Make it a beautiful week for yourself!

No need to wait… NOW IS THE TIME TO EXPAND! Limitless love and blessings from my heart to yours,


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