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createchangenow On July - 4 - 2013



IT’S TIME TO SKYROCKET YOUR PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL SUCCESS! It’s also the beginning of a brand new day! Why not claim this very moment to set the tone for your experience? In each moment we have the option to flow with or resist our experiences. This occurs through our focus and attention on someone or something. Are we focusing on what we want or creating more of what we don’t want (that’s always the million dollar question!)

We have the option to BE the creative genius — instead of creating by default and waiting for life to happen to us — capable of moment-to-moment exhilaration! I choose flow over pressure. I choose ease over tension. I choose allowance over resistance AND I choose love over fear. In this way, I am training my own vibration to be set in ways that will bring joyful, rewarding, fulfilling experiences into my week! I AM looking at the BRIGHT SIDE OF LIFE! Will you do the same for yourself?

When we place our attention on what’s possible instead of what’s not possible, doors open and ideas emerge! Creativity flows and inspiration grows! Anything we keep our focus on is supported and perpetuated, so why not perpetuate more joy, love, connection, harmony, and expansion?

What, new, expansive CHOICE could you make today that would allow for a completely new OUTCOME or experience? What empowered stance could you take today that would allow for a phenomenal new result? What INSPIRED decision could you make RIGHT NOW that would bring a greater sense of LOVE, CONNECTION and PEACE into your life in this moment?

We are always broadcasting a signal into the world. What does your personal signal reveal in this very moment? (Great indicator of your personal frequency and tone is how you’re feeling.) The beautiful gift offered in each new day is our option to choose a new signal. No one creates or chooses our signal but us. So, why not set JOY or GRATITUDE as your personal tone this week?

Even if you’re having a challenging day, the way to begin setting a new broadcast signal is appreciating the simplest of things around you. Notice what you have to be grateful for. This will naturally elevate your mood and change your frequency. Then, just claim each moment as another option to focus on what’s working in your life. This paves the way for even greater things to “work” for you, around you, and within you! Make it a wonder-full day!

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