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createchangenow On March - 25 - 2015
Activate Your Personal Vibration and Expand Your Abundance Comfort Zone!

Guess what? There is absolute, positively no need to postpone your happiness any longer! Now is the perfect time to invoke your brilliance. Yes, you have a light within you that is waiting to be noticed, activated and celebrated!

Now is the time to activate the energetic vibration within you that will support you in magnetizing love and abundance in all forms! It is your energy that opens doors or closes them. It isn’t the external world that is generating your success or lack of success. It is YOUR energy — your vibration — that either supports your expansion or keeps you tracked in a world of limited possibilities and options.

The real key to serving as a magnet for soulfully inspired success is embodying the frequency of abundance. What does that even mean? Well, to embody the energy of abundance means that you are able to BE, FEEL and KNOW that you are abundant. It’s generating the energy of abundance from within you and allowing that energy to serve as a vibrational match to abundant opportunities outside of you.

Consider this… what would wealth bring you? What feelings would it elicit within you? Freedom? Liberation? Inner Peace? When these vibrations are activated within you FIRST, you begin to align your external reality with your internal reality. This is all about realizing that your world is created from the inside-out and not from the outside-in! This activation of the frequency of abundance within you allow for the creation of a beautiful harmonic energetic symphony that is played out in your outer world. Then you are out of harmony, and not living in a world of abundance, it’s as though your personal soul song is out of tune. Now is the time to bring your life and your self-chosen creation into harmony so that the symphony of your life becomes beautiful, harmonious, balanced and in tune with your infinite self; the real YOU.

You see, every single thing that you see around you has a vibration. Everything is energy. YOU have a frequency. When you embrace your creative power and realize that you can consciously direct your energetic frequency through your awareness, your power of choice and your perspective, you can begin to experience life with grace and ease! When you awaken to the power that you have to generate whatever it is that you wish to experience by creating it within yourself first, infinite doors open up for you.

An important thing to remember is that all of your thoughts, words and feelings also have a frequency. As you begin to embrace your ability to choose the ways you want to believe, act, speak and respond to life, you stop living at the mercy of everything outside of you and claim your role in designing your destiny. Remember that you have the capacity to create a shift in any area of your life by simply choosing new patterns. You can begin to let go of anything that is no longer working for you! You can release all the past thoughts, relationships, and behavior patterns that are no longer bringing you the love, harmony and success you deserve! It really is time to claim your creative power! It is awaiting your recognition and embrace. Will you allow yourself to identify with the infinite power and grace within you? As you do this, you will change and transform your life. You will open new pathways that reveal beautiful new experiences, opportunities and possibilities. Aren’t you ready for that?

It really is possible to begin releasing anything that separates you from experiencing abundance, peace, harmony and love. You can choose to consciously release all the cords and chains to people, situations and beliefs that keep you small, limited and imprisoned in a world of fear. See them dissolving gracefully and easily and flowing into an infinite sea of love. Allow yourself to let your walls come down and invite your whole self to come out and play in an infinitely abundant new playground where the options are limitless! Allow yourself to be celebrated and blessed beyond measure. You can release the old stories, heal the wounds, experience wholeness and then create again. This is your option in every moment.

You can liken your energy to a radio signal. When you actively choose to turn the channel on your personal frequency, just like you would change a radio station dial, you get different music. It’s like shifting your personal vibration that was previously set on unsuccessful to the vibration of SUCCESS-FULL. Now is the time raise your love and abundance vibration with focused attention AND conscious intention. Many people get stuck on the same old station or signal called “LACK AND LIMITATION.” Why not choose in this very moment to raise your frequency, and turn up the dial of your energetic signal to a place where you feel content and harmonious about LOVE, SUCCESS AND WEALTH? When you send out the vibrational messages from your energy field that you are in empowered and in harmony with life, your financial state will follow suit!

Beginning today, you have the option to commit to creating a safe space within you (your very own sacred sanctuary) where you build a solid, new foundation of peace and harmony that can truly change the rest of your life. You can generate abundance from this space. Take time each day to access this inner sanctuary. One of the easiest ways to access this space is by slowing down, nurturing yourself, taking some deep, cleansing breaths, listening to some meditative music, being out in nature or whatever allows you to stop the hurried pace of life and listen to the callings of your soul. As you gradually increase your consistency with this new pattern, you will notice yourself feeling more empowered, more joyful, more balanced, centered and at peace. The rewards continue to increase in the form of answers, solutions, synchronicities, and divinely designed information and opportunities entering your experience. Visit your inner sanctuary today and begin to make yourself at home…your very own safe haven… available and open 24 hours a day, seven days a week!

Beginning today, you can begin to raise your wealth and abundance frequency with conscious intention coupled with daily action steps to amplify your results. Remember this: you must to be in the vibration of HAVING what you want in order to attract the people and opportunities that are aligned with that vibration of abundance. Feel what it would feel like to loved, celebrated, honored and treasured as the beautiful and brilliant being that you are! Then, invite the universe to mirror back to you the love and increased vibration you’ve claimed!

Isn’t it finally time to claim the energy of optimal vitality, optimal abundance and optimal JOY? One of the “secret” keys to awakening and transformation that I apply every single day in my life is re-membering that everything outside of us is simply a reflection of what’s inside of us. Abundance, joy, vitality are vibrations. They are an energy that can hold the power and possibility to TUNE INTO. They aren’t something to “get” or “seek out.” They are birthed from within! When we realize and re-member this powerful truth, we can make the conscious choice to expand beyond whatever vibrational comfort zones we’ve placed ourselves in and choose to tune into the energies that align with our soul! Tuning into these vibrations is what allows for us to experience that optimal level of abundance, prosperity and love to flow into our lives. Once we FEEL the higher frequency vibrations consistently (as often as possible,) our external reality must follow suit!

It all begins within us. We determine what happens outside of us by what we are nurturing and nourishing and celebrating inside of us! Celebrate and BE that which you wish to experience first inwardly. Then just relax, let go, surrender any attachments to specific outcomes and trust that the outer rewards will naturally come your way. The outer must align with the inner to appear and remain in your reality. It’s your choice. That’s how powerful you are!

Your love and abundance frequency is just like an energetic thermostat, and it determines what you magnetize and what you repel from your experience. It’s your internal dialogue and your consistent beliefs and emotions around money and wealth. Allow your light to illuminate and transmute any and all of those old, limiting thoughts, perspectives, and beliefs that are no longer beneficial for you. As you allow this light to integrate into your entire “being,” you can wash all of those old feeling of guilt, shame, and fear. You can consciously direct this light to flow through your energy field so that you can shine the light onto new possibilities, new solutions and new outcomes.

Will you allow yourself to breakthrough the boxes of your old reality and allow yourself to generate a new, expansive reality that aligns with the infinite beauty and light of your soul?

Will you allow yourself to look in the mirror and truly see yourself as the brilliant, beautiful being you are?

Will you give yourself permission to release the past and step into the power available to you in this moment?

Will you allow your light to clearly and powerfully flow through every choice, decision, thought, emotion, word and experience?

Will you allow yourself to finally be seen for who you are?

Will you allow yourself to express your magnificence once and for all?

I’ll end this by reminding you that old stories are just that… stories! You can rewrite and redesign your reality however you wish. As you do this, everything and everyone around you will change. Choose to build and construct a new reality that celebrates your brilliance, honors your infinite worth, and value you as a magical, miraculous, infinite being. Then, begin to notice how your life changes in abundant, prosperous, joyful ways. Who and what appears? What doors open? The implementation of the inner shift you’ve made will be mirrored in the experiences that enter your reality. Pay attention. Acknowledge what you’ve created.

Celebrate the abundant life you’ve allowed for. Your expansion is never-ending. This is your birthright.

With  love,



2 Responses

  1. Amol Jadhav says:

    Very Nice Cari!!!

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