Are You Tapping into the Full Potential of Your Creative Genius?
Are YOU taking positive action on a daily basis to expand and redefine yourself in ways that AFFIRM your value and your authentic power? When you assume 100% responsibility and accountability for the quality of your life, you put YOURSELF in the position of complete empowerment by establishing your own identity, your self worth, and your happiness”?-while denying anyone or anything outside of you to determine your value. Affirm your role as the driver of your spiritual vehicle and embrace the limitless possibilities available to you as the creator and director of your life experience.
You are worthy of creating a phenomenal, expansive identity for yourself! Once you create it in thought, expectation, and action, this newly created identity (that resonates with your soul) will absolutely be reinforced in your experiences. Begin within and expect the best for yourself (on a daily basis) and as you commit to this, your external world will begin to beautifully and authentically mirror your newly established feelings of self worth.
If you don’t embrace your daily opportunity to define yourself from spirit and establish your innate value, you will likely feel compelled to seek that definition from outside of yourself! You can avoid this. Begin today, in this very moment, to clearly determine the individual you want to be (the individual you DESERVE to be!) and watch as your circumstances magically align with the most deserving, positive outcomes available.
Now is the time to reclaim the extraordinary strength that is always present and available to you. Light that fire of authentic power that is your birthright! It is awaiting your recognition! It is ready to steer your life in the most amazing direction possible. Will you take the wheel?
Remember that pursuing activities, people, and events that instill a sense of honor, passion, and dignity from within you will undoubtedly create a powerful shift in your personal energy. You are worthy and deserving of a magnificent life,yet action must be taken to set the wheels of manifestation in motion. Choosing to become a decisive, self-directed, responsible individual creates space for magnetizing the success, joy, bliss, and love your spirit deserves.
Ultimately, you are the only one that can assume responsibility for your identity, your level of fulfillment, and your choices. Don’t allow the beauty of life to slip by. Refuse to be a passive witness, and live with purpose and accountability. This is your daily option.
As you begin to fully embrace your power, from the inside-out, the world around you will begin to change and reflect back to you the joy, passion, enthusiasm, and success that is in energetic harmony and alignment with the beautiful soul that you’ve embraced yourself to be.
No one outside of you can be the source of the joy available to you in each and every moment. YOU are solely responsible for seeing the potential for pleasure, success, and peace available to you. As you choose to be conscious, aware, passionate, enthusiastic, and fully present, you WILL come to fully know and experience the absolute joy that your daily life has to offer, and you will consciously begin to create more of it!
The real power to manifest your dreams lies within YOU. Don’t ever give that power away by allowing someone or something else to be responsible for your reality. You deserve a phenomenally successful life. BE the creator of your destiny. Begin today!